February 14, 2025

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Customer Help

F117 This web site has been designed with you, our valued customers, in mind. We have incorporated most of the features you have asked for over the years. This page will provide the basic information necessary to guide you to the key areas of the web site and to help you get the most out of the experience. A quick tour of the site will highlight the key features and functions.

Quick View and Print:
On the right hand side of the web site is the "Quick View and Print" Area. This area contains most of the information requested by our customers in the past such as our current Nadcap Cert and a printable Map. All of the documents available for downloading and printing will require Adobe Acrobat Reader or an equivalent. If you do not currently have Adobe Reader, a download link has been provided for this no-cost software.

Customer Login:
Most of the "special" features of this site are available only to current customers of O&W Heat Treat. There is a library of documents that may be available to you, and a "Job Status" page that will list the jobs that are ready for pick-up, that have been picked up in the last few days, or that have been shipped by UPS or other shipping service. You will need your special "Login Code & Password" to take advantage of these features.

Login Code & Password:
To get your password, please email yg@owheattreat.com or call during our normal hours at 860-528-9239 and ask for Yahaira. We can give you your password, or if you prefer, we will update your access with a password of your own choosing. (5 letters and/or numbers). Your customer login code are the first three letters of the certification number of any job that has been processed at O&W Heat Treat. Once you have your code and password, you will be able, within 24 hours, to access the Job Status page. You may choose to enter the Job Status page through the Home page or you may want "One Click Job Status Access".

One Click Job Status Access:
Once you have your Login code and password, you may want to set up a "One Click Job Status Access" icon on your computer. If you are running Windows XP, just "right" click any where on an empty area of your desktop and select "New" and then "Folder". Next copy the following line in the box provided. www.owheattreat.com/linklogin.php?CUST_CODE=XYZ&CUST_PW=11111 . You will need to replace the "XYZ" with your own Login code and the "11111" with your own password. You will then be asked to name your icon. Once this has been set up, you will have access to all downloadable documents and to the Job Status list.


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©2006 O&W Heat Treat, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
1 Bidwell Road, South Windsor, CT  06074 | Phone: 860.528.9239 | Fax: 860.291.9939 | Email: info@owheattreat.com
Customer Service Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
O&W Heat Treat, Inc. Terms & Conditions is applicable to all purchase orders
accepted for processing at O&W and to all elements of owheattreat.com
Site Design Provided by the Triple Helix Design Solutions